Do you deliver to my location?
A If you’re at work or stuck at home we offer a local food and drinks delivery service, via WhatsApp, for people in the Marston, Northway and Headington areas, and the John Radcliffe hospital, The Manor Hospital, Churchill hospital, Summertown, city centre, and many more. We can deliver to other locations as well (T&Cs apply). Simply send us a message with your order and your address, we will get back to you with a delivery time. We accept all payment methods.

What are your Covid-19 policy?
AAt Oxford Café and Grill we want to keep everyone as safe and as healthy as possible. We comply with current government advice and regulations around social distancing, food handling and delivery to make sure your food is prepared and served or delivered to your door while minimising the risks of Covid-19.

Food and drink allergies?
AOxford Café and Grill is committed to reducing the risks to our customers from allergens in the food and drinks we sell. We do not work in an allergen-free environment, but we try our best to make it easy for you to communicate your needs so we can reduce your risk of exposure to food that could cause an allergic reaction.